Pumpkin Carving Time

Even though the weather in Florida isn't "fall-like" I still want to celebrate what October has to offer! Which means: pumpkin carving!!

I am disappointed that Florida is not abundant with pumpkins and gords like Massachusetts was. But I really can't expect anything less.

Since we live beachside, I wanted to make my pumpkin match! My friend Emily (who I have known since we were in diapers!) and I got our carve on...

It was so much fun! 

Did you carve pumpkins this year? If so, what did you decide on?


  1. Such a cute themed pumpkin :)

    Having lived in New England and Florida, I will take this "non-fall weather" any day. Because you know what's coming next for everyone up there? WINTER.... *shudder*. So beautiful to visit in the fall, but it only lasts a few weeks and then they're settled into a dreary bone chilling cold winter for 5-6 months. Puh-tooey!

  2. That's cute! All the ones we've done have been faces. I definitely want to do animals next year now!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. whale tale? i love it - way to personalize your pumpkin :)



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